๐ŸŒบ Forget-Me-Not Friday (Idea No. 21)

Hey there Reader

It's me, hi, I'm back in your inbox again with another Forget-Me-Not Friday idea!

So far, I've shared a lot of ephemera ideas (you can see all my previous emails here). But this week, I wanted to do something different.

Sometimes, we need a mini project to sink our teeth into - especially when we're lacking in mojo for a large project or simply because we have leftover papers and supplies to use up after completing a big project.

Anyway, this mini folio and matching notebook are perfect for times like this. The best bit? You probably only need an afternoon to make them.

โ€‹Here's how to make the folio (you'll need a few envelopes) and here's how to make the matching notebook (again, using envelopes).

I hope you find the videos helpful! If you end up making this project, I'd love it if you'd consider sharing a photo in my Facebook group. It's always so much fun to see your makes โ˜บ๏ธ

What's new at House of Mahalo HQ?

And finally, here's what I've been up to this week:


And that's all from me this week. I also wanted to say sorry to those of you who have been patiently waiting for me to write some more blog posts. I promise I have some in the works. It's just taken me a little while to get over my writer's block, but I'm getting there.

Until next time then,

Justine xoxo


PS: Are you new around here? You can catch up on my previous Forget-Me-Not Friday emails via this page I've created.

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Hi, Iโ€™m Justine!

If you want to be one of the first to hear about my blog posts and receive my weekly "Forget-Me-Not Friday" email series, then please enter your details below. Speak soon xoxo

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